Submission of the “Trainer on Life Cycle Assessment Critical Review” Training Diplomas by CADIS Academy and INTECO


On Thursday, May 26, 2022, the submission of the certificate of graduation for the “Trainer on Life Cycle Assessment Critical Review” training by CADIS Academy (Center for LCA and Sustainable Design) and INTECO (The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica) was held online via Zoom Meetings. This activity aims to reward eight training participants who have completed a series of training and evaluations on Product Category Rules (PCR) in Costa Rica. This event was attended by Dr. Nydia Suppen who is the Lead Critical Review Trainer from CADIS Academy, Diego Cordero as the representative of INTECO, Timotheus Lesmana who is the Executive Director of the Indonesia Cleaner Production Center (ICPC), and eight training participants including Mrs. Jessica Hanafi and Amelia Agusni who are RECP experts at ICPC.

The Training of Trainer Workshops and Evaluation for “Trainer on Life Cycle Assessment Critical Review” has been held from late 2020 to early 2021. The training participants are tasked with reviewing Product Category Rules for environmental label standards in Costa Rica so that they become input for standards in Costa Rica. There were 8 participants who received certificates for Critical Reviewer.

The event started with remarks from Dr. Nidya who thanked the participation and efforts of the participants in completing the LCA training and undergoing the critical review process. The remarks were continued by Diego who was also grateful for the given invitation and the opportunity. Diego also congratulated and thanked the participants who have passed this training for their professionalism and participation which has helped INTECO in complying with the requirements of environmental label standards in Costa Rica. The last remarks were delivered by Mr. Timotheus who gave a brief explanation about the ICPC foundation and thanked Dr. Nidya and Diego who have facilitated this training agenda. Mr. Timotheus hopes that this training can improve LCA studies in Indonesia in the future. The event continued with the conferring of certificates to each training participant and closed with closing remarks from the training participants.

ICPC hopes to be able to hold training for critical reviewers and collaborate with ProLCAS so that participants who have received training, are registered at ICPC and ProLCAS in the future. ICPC also hopes that there will be further collaborations with other South American countries so that sustainable development can be achieved.

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