Green Public Procurement (GPP) Country Webinar


The Green Public Procurement country webinar is aimed to discuss Indonesia’s GPP current status related to achieving and developing the GPP’s implementation through the green industry, GPP facilitation, and GPP regional regulations. Also, ICPC’s role as the service provider for the industry towards GPP is to support the Nation’s Capital City (IKN) vision and mission. The event was virtually (via Zoom) on 11 February 2022 and attended by 298 participants. The invited participants were from various stakeholders namely government, industry/private sectors, academia, and experts. The webinar was conducted in Bahasa Indonesia and the presentation was prepared in English.

To determine the readiness of the sector in terms of implementing GPP, the webinar presented speakers from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Industry related to the IKN policy and the Green Industry Roadmap in Indonesia, Government Goods/Service Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) as the supporting agency responsible for the procurement of green goods has developed the GPP tools, and South Kalimantan government as a pilot project in issuing regional regulations regarding GPP for paper products.

After knowledge and experiences sharing from experts in 4 government sectors and 1 from a third-party service sector, the participants were actively discussed and provided comments together with feedback on improving GPP implementation. The experts agreed that a massive collaboration movement is needed from various sectors to switch from conventional to green procurement and the availability of facilities for industries in improving the implementation of GPP in their business activities. Nevertheless, the GPP implementations are still facing limitations both for the government sector as regulation makers and industry as producers. Therefore, we should start moving toward shaping the market for green products by taking a step from small actions. For example, work hand-in-hand to elevate standards and positions to negotiate with policymakers and consumers, improve product quality, and raise awareness of green procurement and environmental impacts.

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-25 at 13.33.50.jpeg

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