Pusat Produksi Bersih Nasional Melaksanakan Studi RECP Sektor Industri Besi dan Baja
Dalam rangka transformasi menuju Ekonomi Hijau melalui pembangunan rendah karbon dan ekonomi sirkular untuk mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan Indonesia, Pusat Produksi Bersih Nasional (PPBN) didukung oleh UN Partnership for Action on Green Economy (UNPAGE) melalui United Nations Industrial Labour Organization (UNIDO) dibawah kerjasama Bappenas dan Kementerian Perindustrian melaksanakan kegiatan studi Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) […]
Aksi kolaborasi dalam mewujudkan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Ramah Lingkungan
Pembangunan global telah bergeser ke arah pembangunan berkelanjutan yang pencapaiannya akan dievaluasi pada tahun 2030. Untuk mencapai hal ini, pemerintah tidak bisa bekerja sendiri, melainkan harus berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak. Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) menggarisbawahi urgensi kerja sama ini dalam Tujuan 17, Public Private Partnership (PPP). Dalam mewujudkan tujuan 17, salah satu indikator dan target […]
“Launching and Roundtable” Forum Antar Kementerian Untuk Percepatan Kawasan Industri Berwawasan Lingkungan (Eco-Industrial Park) di Indonesia
Telah dilaksanakan “Launching and Roundtable” Forum Antar Kementerian Untuk Percepatan Kawasan Industri Berwawasan Lingkungan (Eco-Industrial Park) di Indonesia pada hari Kamis, 8 Desember 2022 yang bertempat di Hotel Shangri-la Jakarta dan Online via Zoom. Kegiatan ini merupakan Peresmian Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian Republik Indonesia Nomor 3174 Tahun 2022 tentang Forum Antar Kementerian Untuk Percepatan Pengembangan Kawasan […]
UNIDO Headquarter Visit to ICPC Office
On November 18th 2022, several colleagues from UNIDO’s Headquarter, namely Mr. Salil Dutt (Chief Technical Adviser UNIDO), Mr. Christian Susan (Project Manager GEIPP Global and Indonesia), and Mr. Klaus Tyrkko (CTA Global Component, Global GEIPP) visited the ICPC office in Serpong, South Tangerang. This meeting aims to discuss the Global Eco-Industrial Park Programme (GEIPP) project […]
Dalam rangka mendukung program pemerintah yakni INDUSTI HIJAU dan PROPER, Pusat Produksi Bersih Nasional (PPBN) dan Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) didukung oleh The United Nations industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) telah mengadakan Kegiatan Pelatihan IOMC Toolbox, Chemical Leasing, dan Green Chemistry secara luring (face-to-face). Kegiatan pelatihan ini, dilaksanakan di Bandung dan Jakarta […]
Divisional Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Industrial Synergy in MM2100
The EIP international framework describes the performance requirements for EIP centers according to four key categories: park management performance, environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance. As a baseline, EIPs must comply with all applicable local and national regulations. They must also meet the broader performance requirements set out within this framework. On August 11th […]
Discussion on G20 Resource Efficiency Dialogue Activities, G20 Indonesia Presidency
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry held the G20 Resource Efficiency Dialogue Mandated Event at the Environment Deputies Meeting (EDM) with the theme “Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in support of Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework” in the context of implementing the G20 Indonesia Presidency 2022. This event was held on 29 July 2022 online […]
Green Public Procurement (GPP) Country Webinar
The Green Public Procurement country webinar is aimed to discuss Indonesia’s GPP current status related to achieving and developing the GPP’s implementation through the green industry, GPP facilitation, and GPP regional regulations. Also, ICPC’s role as the service provider for the industry towards GPP is to support the Nation’s Capital City (IKN) vision and mission. […]
ICPC Board Meeting
On June 3, 2022, the ICPC board meeting and halal bihalal were held at the Altet Century Park Hotel, Jakarta. The event was attended by 14 members of the Indonesia Cleaner Production Center Foundation consisting of the chairman of the Board of Trustees from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2 members of the Board […]
Submission of the “Trainer on Life Cycle Assessment Critical Review” Training Diplomas by CADIS Academy and INTECO
On Thursday, May 26, 2022, the submission of the certificate of graduation for the “Trainer on Life Cycle Assessment Critical Review” training by CADIS Academy (Center for LCA and Sustainable Design) and INTECO (The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica) was held online via Zoom Meetings. This activity aims to reward eight training participants who […]